Quinoa and its benefits

The benefits of quinoa: food with high nutritional value. Because it has a low glycemic index and is rich in fiber, quinoa stimulates chewing, decreases gastric emptying and increases the feeling of satiety, postponing hunger. In this way, it can be used in meal plans and included in the daily diet, helping to promote healthy eating habits.

Good for weight loss
While it might seem like a no-brainer to suggest that quinoa is good for losing weight, it’s actually one of the most healthy grains out there. That means it’s a good option when you’re trying to lose weight without going into super restrictive mode. Combined with a healthy diet of vegetables, whole grains, fish, and some nuts and legumes, you’re likely to lose weight very quickly. However, if goals are to maintain your weight or gain, then it’s better to go with a grain that’s less healthy on the outside and more unhealthy on the inside. For example, white rice is full of sugar and carbohydrates, while whole-wheat bread is stuffed with refined flour and lignin. So, which one is better for you? That’s a tough question to answer because both are healthy grains, but depending on your specific needs you might choose one over the other.
Good source of protein
Many people are under the impression that rice is a source of protein, when in truth it’s a very low-quality source. In fact, a typical serving size of rice contains only 2% to 3% protein, which is not a good source at all. In contrast, a 1/2 cup of quinoa contains 5% to 6% protein, which is an excellent source. Besides, protein is needed for muscle development and maintenance, as well as for the building of red blood cells and repair of tissue.
May benefit heart health
One of the main benefits of quinoa is that it may help promote heart health. As we all know, it’s very important to eat nutrients-rich foods in order to stay healthy. In this case, it’s the fiber that benefits. As we all know, fiber is beneficial for our digestive system and may even reduce the risk of bowel cancer and early death. In fact, studies have even suggested that individuals with high levels of fiber in their diet may have a reduced risk of Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
How to cook quinoa successfully?
Well, as you can see, there’s really no easy way to go about it. In order to maximize the benefits of this nutritious food, you’ll want to select the right variety of grain. As a rule of thumb, you should go with the type of grain that has a lower “imprint” on the soil, such as red or brown rice rather than white rice. In addition, you should look for the “long grain” variety that is packed with nutrition. Furthermore, make sure the grain is uncooked and doesn’t have a lot of water in it. Once you’ve got the ingredients ready, you’ll cook it in order to get the nutrients out of it.
Quinoa Burger with Carrots and Broccoli

We will need
100 grams of quinoa
1 clove of garlic,
1 small chopped onion
1 egg
1 small grated carrot
Green seasoning in natura to taste
01 handful of chopped broccoli (steamed)
Olive oil
Black pepper
then let’s wash the quinoa very well in cold water. Put the quinoa to cook in a pan with boiling water and the crushed garlic clove, for 15 minutes, then drain.
In a frying pan, place approximately 50 ml of water to sauté the chopped onion, then add extra virgin olive oil, carrots, broccoli (pre-steamed) and green seasoning, and let it brown for approximately 5 minutes.
In another container, mix well the carrot, onion with the quinoa and the egg. Season with salt and black pepper and set aside in the fridge for 30 minutes to make it more consistent. Then model the burgers, unite a form with olive oil and place to bake until golden on both sides.
In a nutshell, quinoa is a super-healthy, gluten-free, and protein-rich whole grain that can be used as a healthy alternative to white rice. Whether you’re trying to lose weight or gain, it’s definitely something that you should include in your diet. With its myriad of health benefits, you can’t go wrong with quinoa.