Health benefits of orange juice

Orange has its fair share of health benefits. The all-fruit diet promoted by some nutritionists and weight-loss programs can be pretty restrictive when it comes to adding colorful, high-quality foods into your diet. The result? A lot of Americans are piling on the pounds and suffering from a host of medical conditions related to obesity, such as diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Luckily, there are ways to enjoy an orange without giving yourself diabetes or breaking your calorie bank account! Eating oranges may seem like a no-brainer for anyone who’s ever heard the term “orange is the new black.” But what you may not know is that oranges have so many benefits that would make Dr. Oz green with envy.
They’re a Good source of Vitamin C
Most people know Vitamin C is great for immune system, but did you know that oranges have double the amount of C as lemons? Oats are the perfect source of this nutrient.
They Have loads of antioxidant benefits
Antioxidants are natural substances that prevent cellular damage caused by inflammation, oxidative stress, and cellular aging. They can also help protect against heart disease, cancer, and strokes. Antioxidants are found in every food group and are necessary for healthy, balanced diets. Your body can’t produce these compounds by itself and must get them from outside sources. Orange juice is a good source of vitamin C.

They Help Fight inflammation
Antioxidants help prevent inflammation and protect cells from cellular damage. This may include fighting off bacterial infections and autoimmune disorders. Many inflammatory conditions, such as heart disease and cancer, are related to high levels of inflammation in the body. High levels of inflammation can be reduced by fighting off infections, protecting your cells from oxidative damage, and staying as hydrated as possible.
They May help combat acne
Most of us have heard that oranges also have powerful anti-aging properties, but did you know that orange juice is also a very effective beverage to use as a night-time cleanser? A study in India found that drinking 2 light glasses of orange juice every day for 2 months significantly reduced the appearance of acne. As opposed to the frequent claims made by various skin-bleaching regimes, orange juice does not contain benzoyl peroxide, the type of antioxidant that can cause acne. It has a very low content of water, which can be why acne-prone people can enjoy the soothing effects of the fruit.
A importance of orange for the body
Consumption of orange juice can help in preventing kidney stones. This health problem happens when small crystals form in the kidneys and urinary channels, due to the excess of some substances in the body. Healthy men and men with kidney stones who drank orange juice were examined. The liquid in the fruit produces an alkaline charge and reduces uric acid levels in the body, which helps control kidney stones. There is an increased level of citrate in the urine, which helps to prevent the formation of kidney stones.
Health Benefits
Drinking orange juice every day may help improve brain function in older people, according to a study reported by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The research was carried out with 37 people with an average age of 67 years who drank about 500 ml of the juice for eight weeks. As a result, they showed overall improvement in cognitive functions compared to a group that did not consume the juice. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps in the synapse of neurons, that is, it improves the transmission of nerve impulses from one cell to another.
The health benefits of oranges are almost too numerous to list. If you’ve always heard that oranges have health benefits, but didn’t know where to start, the best place to start is with the peel. The peel is full of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It’s also a good source of fiber and essential minerals like magnesium, manganese, and iron. The all-fruit diet promoted by some nutritionists and weight-loss programs can be pretty restrictive when it comes to adding colorful, high-quality foods into your diet. The result? A lot of Americans are piling on the pounds and suffering from a host of medical conditions related to obesity, such as diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Luckily, there are ways to enjoy an orange without giving yourself diabetes or breaking your calorie bank account!